Towards mitigation of global warming Present & Future Energy Museum
It Is Innovative And First Of It's Kind In The World
This museum is established to create awareness, promote and propagate
usage of Renewable Energy Systems. When conventional Energy sources like
Petrol, Diesel, coal, Electricity are becoming costlier, scarce and fast
depleting. We are left out with Renewable Energy. Solar Energy is the Best the
alternative. The Museum has all most all Renewable Energy systems of different
makes, Capacities, from different Countries, like solar Cookers, solar water
heaters, PV panels, pumps, lanterns, Torches, Defense Kit, Mobile Chargers,
solar Dryers, solar Distillation, Indoor & outdoor luminaries, charge
Regulators, Solar fencing system, Educational kit, pumping system, Wind energy
system, Biomass, Gober gas, Wave energy system, Solar caps, Solar sprayer,
Solar radio etc. Live demonstration, Seminars and Separate education and
training courses for school children, teachers, agriculture and bank officers,
women, I.T.I and Diploma holders,N.S.S. students etc will also be conducted. It
is approved by Education Department, Karnataka Milk Federation, Agriculture
University, Agriculture Training center Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank
& HES-COM training center.